ByTheQuality LactZe Serum (50ml)
ByTheQuality LactZe Serum is specially formulated for oily, acne-prone and troubled skin. It uses Lactic acid and Lactobacillus to target troubled areas and provides gentle exfoliation of dead skin cells in pores.

First time trying
Copy and paste to other ByTheQuality products because I used this following Leah's routine on her livestream. As my skin is considerably fair, it's hard to tell if it's gotten fairer. I have made sure to find alternative sunscreen that also ensures my face has a matt finish to it. No pimple outbreaks. This will always be my repeated sentence in most of my reviews in the past because I am quite particular about this. Dark spots on my face still not cleared yet so time will tell a month or two later. Redness on my cheeks and nose area not cleared yet so time will tell as well.