I picked up this bundle because I was curious about the product and wanted to know how PDNA (PDRN), super EGF and human stem cell culture solution combined would affect my skin. Oxytical was cheap but a few pimples would still pop up in some areas. Droxykit was never attempted as I was looking for a product that didn't come with several other steps to "add on". My working life is hectic so I was mostly looking for something that will help reduce the oily T zones and prevent pimple outbreaks without taking up too much time so I can get to work quickly. I also go to the gym and with particles of chalk lingering in the air means my skin is exposed to sweat, dust and dirt. I'm no skin expert and with moderately fair skin, I won't be able to notice much changes aside from what I can see in the mirror.
My current product use are:
-Petitra Lipo PDNA
-Dermaceleb Cellonic Booster
-Quadruple Hydro Booster
I started off with just Petitra and QHB for a month, with only using Cellonic Booster once a week when I do my MTS. Here's what I've gathered from my experience:
Typical skin issues:
- Pimples
Most pimples did not appear or get reduced. Only my chin area, which I noticed, was having a bit of an issue.
- Large pores
Pore size reduced even in the nose area, something which was quite significant to me as Oxytical wasn't as effective.
- Oily T-zones
Gone, lasted almost until I had to shower in the evening so this is a major plus for me.
- Dark spots
Slight reduction only.
- Old scars
Nothing obvious.
I do think I would still buy this again instead of Oxytical as its effect on my T zones and pimples are much more significant and these are my two major skin concerns.